SurfAholics TE
Hi Marketer!
What are you doing for your business? Are you making progress? Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing every day, and expecting different results! If it aint working you have to try to change something! I know I keep tweaking what I do all the time, trying to get better in my own business. What is something you need to do different? Maybe it is creating splashpages…Maybe it is using an autorsponder…Maybe it is blogging! Whatever it is, pick something and challenge yourself to do it! Make it game to make yourself better at building your business. We want the money from our business, but allow yourself a little room to have fun, too! You just might hit a homerun!
Here are a couple of bonuses, just for reading this page. The first one can be found with the Commando Surf. The second one is at the bottom of this email. The middle part of this email is great information to keep you in the know and to have fun, while building your business.
It is Commando Surf Sunday! Go Commando Surf, and receive 100 percent more per click!
First time Commandos click here to get started
Bingo! Credits! Fun!
We are a part of the CSN 555 Partnership, and now SurfAholics System, just another way to bring traffic to your business!
We have our Daily Cross-promo with SurfAholics System.
1. Surf 150 sites at four traffic exchanges.
2. Claim your choice of 100 credits, 250 banners, or 250 texts in Surfer Rewards.
Along with Commando Surfing, the CSN 555 Partnership, and SurfAholics System, today, we give a warm welcome to:
* Click Your Face Off, owner Sunny Suggs.
* Legacy Result, owners Ken Locatelli and James Lawson.
* Shockwave Traffic, owner James Lawson.
We are excited to have members from all these traffic exchanges taking part in the fun with us!
It is really simply to qualify.
1. Choose any one, or all.
2. Surf 125 pages at the respective traffic exchanges, and SurfAholics TE.
3. Choose from 100 credits, 250 banners, or 250 texts from Surfer Rewards.
Todays code is: BeBlessed
1. Enter surfcode.
2. Surf 221 pages.
3. Receive 25 credits, 250 banners, and 250 texts.
So what you waiting for, Login and have some fun! And be sure to tell your friends!
Be sure to assign your credits, banners, and texts to keep your advertising going!
And you never know, when we might add some prizes in the surf, so be on the lookout for special deals and prizes in the surf as well!
Remember, our traffic exchanges motto is: The Future Is Now!!!
Regards Terry Allison
Owner: SurfAholics TE
Also Posted At: SurfAholics TE and Other Information
Great Resources!